snowy dog lovin christmas couple session

I drove to Boise for a quick one day trip to do engagement photos for these babes. I seriously cannot wait to share those with y’all - but I HAD to get these Christmas photos up!!

You should have seen us - we were rushing to catch the last bit of light and trying to find snow - so much had melted down in the previous days that the snow level was way higher than we expected. This is the result of us pulling over to the side of the road, running an extension cord from the car for the christmas lights and setting this up on essential a berm of snow made from the plows days before. And you should have seen the looks we got from cars passing - BUT I’ve always said that some of my favorite shots have been taken on literally the side of the road in a spot you’d never think would be great for photos…

Case. In. Point.

romantic summer desert engagement session

Smith Rock has always been one of my favorite places. Especially if you catch it at sunset, it is no surprise it’s one of Oregon’s Seven Wonders…it is truly breathtaking.

I always encourage my couples to do their engagement session somewhere that is meaningful to them. I want your photos to be a perfect representation of who you are as a couple - not just the interactions, personality and love I’m able to capture, but your environment as well.

Erin + Kyle are avid rock climbers and Smith is one of their favorite places to climb - so it was a no brainer to do their engagement session here. We had to reschedule when Oregon had those terrible wildfires, but the day we got more than made up for it!! We seriously had the most perfect sunset…just scroll down to see what I mean!

These two are straight fire together + I am so excited to be able to capture their wedding next summer!

playful romantic summer beach couple engagement session

I have known Toree since she was just an itty-bit. She was good friends with my baby sister all growing up, and was actually one of the first girls I worked with when I started photography. My third summer of weddings, I was able to photograph her sister’s wedding + now it’s Toree’s turn!!

Toree + Jaeric started dating almost 6 years ago + I’ve been lucky enough to capture several years of that. I absolutely love telling so much of a couple’s love story - it is such a special thing. Pretty sure I actually cried happy tears when they got engaged + I cannot wait for their wedding next summer!

sidenote: Toree is an amazing esthetician + makeup artist who did makeup for my last Worthy Workshop. I’m so thrilled she’ll be joining me at my next one in New Orleans in January!!

playful romantic oregon summer hillside couple engagement session

Aspen + Max have known each other since they were in middle school. They met in band class + I guess you could say the rest is history. Seven years later, here we are, planning for their wedding in the spring.

These two are so dang cute together - no matter what playful, goofy thing I asked them to do, they were all in - and Aspen even had to get in on the piggy backing Max (scroll down to check that out!). They light each other up and I can tell they’re genuinely best friends. We talked about the adventures they’ve been on so far + ones they have coming up. There is such a comfortability and ease with these two.

We hiked up Chip Ross where we ran and laughed so hard until the sun started setting - then created some serious magic with the sunset, tall grass + view of Corvallis.

Aspen’s ring was handpicked by Max and is so unique - I love that they have these little touches that make everything so personalized to who they are as a couple.

Their wedding is in May at a vineyard, and it is going to be so beautiful. I’ve loved hearing about all the plans + cannot wait to see it all come together + capture their amazing day - and the little suprises they have planned!!

classy romantic cliffside couple engagement session

I met Logan several years ago when she was in high school. She came with a friend to one of my Perfectly Undone Campaign shoots + then joined my high school model team.

Since then, I’ve done countless shoots with her, hours of conversation + driving across the state for adventures. I started photographing her + Alex a few years ago for her senior prom. Since then, we’ve had shoots at the beach, in the snow, during the summer, fall + winter.

I got to be in on the secret as Alex planned to propose + had to sit in excitement for almost 4 months until the day came. Now, I cry every time I get to photograph the moment a couple makes the decision to spend forever together - but this was even more so.

I’ve had the privilege of watching Logan + Alex’s relationship grow over the years. They are the most intentional, sweet + thoughtful I have ever seen two people be together. I love seeing how they pray for + with one another and the space they give God to grow in their relationship. It truly is the most beautiful thing to witness.

I cannot wait to celebrate with them next summer at their wedding, and add yet another amazing story to our photo adventures together.

sweet playful summer couple session

I have the most fun with my couples - running around fields in the sunshine, capturing love’s the best ever. I love finding the little things between a couple..the way they hold hands, how they fall into one another..the things that make each other laugh + how they look at one another. These are the the little nuances that help tell your story - and I’ll find it, every time.

playful springtime wildflower couple session

springtime flower fields is definitely one of my favorites - it’s colorful, romantic + just a little magical come sunset! spring here in Oregon is something special. we definitely have to wait for it through all the clouds + the rain, but my goodness - for sessions like this, I’ll take every last day of it!

I’ve been lucky enough to be telling pieces of these two’s love story for the last couple years. they are super playful, so sweet + you can tell are completely each other’s best friend. they’ve been together forever + we always end up laughing til we cry, every time. seriously such a blast!! plus they are absolutely the cutest together, right?!

these life-long couples are what I love so much - getting to truly know my clients, document + tell their story again + again is the greatest privilege. these are the moments they’ll have to look back on - the “way back whens”..these are the photos that remind us of what we are fighting for, every day.

the joy. the fun. the laughter.

the love.

this is the story I get to tell.

romantic texas couple session

Is it just me, or do these two look like they should be gracing the next cover of a Nicholas Sparks novel?!

Rebecca and Riley are two of the sweetest, most down to earth and kind people you will ever meet. I absolutely love when clients fully trust you, your vision and are willing to just be present with each other - those times when they are caught up in the moment with one another are some of my all time favorite shots. Afterall, life isn’t about the posed, perfect photo - it’s the in between moments, it’s the ones that catch you being the most YOU…the way you look at one another, how she holds his hand, how he brushes her hair out of her face - these are the little details that make up moments you want to remember forever.

and I’m there for it all