playful romantic oregon summer hillside couple engagement session

Aspen + Max have known each other since they were in middle school. They met in band class + I guess you could say the rest is history. Seven years later, here we are, planning for their wedding in the spring.

These two are so dang cute together - no matter what playful, goofy thing I asked them to do, they were all in - and Aspen even had to get in on the piggy backing Max (scroll down to check that out!). They light each other up and I can tell they’re genuinely best friends. We talked about the adventures they’ve been on so far + ones they have coming up. There is such a comfortability and ease with these two.

We hiked up Chip Ross where we ran and laughed so hard until the sun started setting - then created some serious magic with the sunset, tall grass + view of Corvallis.

Aspen’s ring was handpicked by Max and is so unique - I love that they have these little touches that make everything so personalized to who they are as a couple.

Their wedding is in May at a vineyard, and it is going to be so beautiful. I’ve loved hearing about all the plans + cannot wait to see it all come together + capture their amazing day - and the little suprises they have planned!!